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(hereinafter: talent)
(hereinafter: Agency)
1.     The Model agrees to be represented by the Agency and give all forms of representation regarding modeling, contracts, photoshoots, shows, campaign, website, social media, influencer and any other business matter related to their modeling/talent career. The model Agrees to give full power to the Agency to manage International representations, direct book and network.

2.     The Model autorises the Agency to grant all rights relating to the utilisation of the finished photographs without any limitation of time, location or context, as currently demanded from major customers as a booking condition. If the Agency negotiates a booking or an international representation contract, the Model will refrain from making independent statements towards clients, even when not on “location”.

3.     As long as the Model is represented by the Agency, the Model will refrain from concluding follow-up booking with the Agency's clients independently (Direct book).

4.     The Model will provide illustrative material for publication in the Agency’s business activities without any limitation of contect, location or time (photo, films, printed matter, internet material, video etc.), even if the Agency wishes to use such material for its own advertising purpose. With his/her signature the Model affirms that utilisation of such illustrative material will not be hindered by third-party rights.

5.     The Model agrees with the linking of one or more of its social media profiles (e.g. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) as well as the naming of the number of Fans/Followers/Likes of the Model's social media profiles in relation to online presentation of the Models Agency’s website. The linking will be located in a website category named such as ,,Social” and will be realised via photo link. This photo will be chosen by the Model Agency from material provided by the Model clause 4.

6.     The Model will be available by phone for any possible queries. The Model will notify the Agency immediately of any changes in his/her address and telephone number.

7.     The Model will notify the Agency immediately of any changes relating to his/her looks (weight, hair colour and cut, physique etc.)

8.     The Model is advised that compliance with regulations governing entry into relevant countries shall be the responsibility of the Model (visa, vaccinations etc.) and that denial of entry into a country will also be deemed non appearance and can raise to damage claims from the client.

9.     Liability on the part of the Agency will be restricted to cases of gross negligence, except in cases of fatal injury or damage to health.

10. The model agrees to the collection, processing and utilisation of personal data for the purpose of agency services. The Model is aware of the Agency’s data protection.

11. Changes and supplements to this Statement must be written: cancelation of the mandatory form requirement is to be confirmed in writing immediately. This document will be governed by Spanish law. The place of jurisdiction regarding photographic models who do not have a place of general jurisdiction in Spain will be the principal place of
business of the Agency.
Place and date:
Place and date:
(hereinafter: Model)
(hereinafter: Agency)

Service agreement

(hereinafter: talent)
(hereinafter: Company)
1.     The Model appoints the Company in particular for:
     - the creating and development of a corresponding image and type of character in the worldwide advertising    sector and in public as well as with the corresponding cultivation of the image,
     - the strategic positioning on the market, international, in the press and the media as well as will organisation press campaign,
     - the promotion of the model name as an advertising brand,
     - the best possible financial utilisation of the picture and personal rights.

2.     The Model appoints the Company as the exclusive agent for the rendering of services with scope of his/her activity, in particular for:
     - the organization and any advance financing of job-related travels as well as any advance financing fees,
     - the collection and invoicing of fees, including buyout payments to the customers, as well invoicing of income fees towards the Model,
     - the collection, of the commission of mother agency,
     - the book-keeping and invoking of income fees towards the Model,
     - the control of picture rights and enforcement of any and all rights originating from them,
     - the initiation of legal steps to safeguard the interests of the Model.

3.     To carry out the tasks named above, the Model assigns any and all rights originate during the term of this Agreement from the work as a model/talent/influencer vis-á-vis customer and/or third parties to the Company to extent legally permissible and reasonable to fulfil the Agreement. Relating all other matters, the Company shall be empowered to exercise the rights on behalf of the Model by proxy. This provision refers particular to:
     - contractual claims to payment (fee, travel expenses etc.),
     - The rights against infringers of the Model’s right’s, such as rights relating to one’s own picture and personal rights, in particular all claims relating to prohibition or injunction, the granting of approval, as well to claims to damages,
     - And the rights to receive sums of money.

The Model shall promote and support the Company to the best of his/her ability and shall inform the Company of all circumstances relating to the provision of services, and shall furnish detailed information concerning his/her work as a model/talent/influencer and, on request, submit any relevant documentation.

4.     The Company can, at her discretion, either take action in her own name by virtue of the assignment, or in the name of the Model. The Model will sign a power of agency granting the Company authorisation to act on his/her behalf. The Company is permitted to use the services of third parties in the performance of duties and to commission suitable third parties with enforcement of a claim by legal action. The cost of asserting rights shall be borne by the Model, even if they are financed in advance by contracts and clients.

5.     As payment, the Company will receive commission on all income that the Model earns through his/her professional activities. If not otherwise specified, commission will be 10%, plus value added tax.

6.     The Model consents to the collection, processing and use of personal data for the execution of the management and services for the duration of this Agreement.

7.     This Agreement will be governed by Spanish law. The place of jurisdiction regarding Models without a place of general jurisdiction in Spain will be registered office Company.

8.     Any changes or supplements to this agreement are to be put in writing. If this stipulation
is to be cancelled, then this immediate written confirmation.
Place and date:
Place and date:
(hereinafter: Model)
(hereinafter: Agency)
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